Symposium #7
Updates on SLIPTA and Accreditation
No invitations necessary; open to all conference registrants
Thursday, 8 December 2016
CTICC room location: 2.4
The World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa (WHO/AFRO) Stepwise Laboratory Improvement Process Towards Accreditation is a framework for countries in their efforts to strengthen national laboratory systems through fulfillment of the requirements in the ISO 15189 standard. SLIPTA is designed to encourage, support and recognize the implementation of quality management systems (QMSs) in medical laboratories in the African Region. The program design promotes scalability, measurability and accessibility and country ownership of to ensure sustainability. To date, more than 18 countries and over 180 laboratories have implemented SLIPTA and have received SLIPTA star rating. The session aims to provide updates and share experience among countries implementing and planning to Implement SLIPTA. 1) To provide updates on country implementation of SLIPTA program. 2) Share lessons learned and recommendations for program expansion and sustainability.
- Trevor Peter, Clinton Health Access Initiative, Botswana
Presentation Topic 1
Talkmore Maruta, African Society for Laboratory Medicine, Ethiopia
Presentation Topic 2
Patience Dabula, National Health Laboratory Service, South Africa
Presentation Topic 3
Patrina Chongo, Instituto Nacional de Saude
Presentation Topic 4
Julie Ndasi, Global Health Systems Solutions, Cameroon
Fausta Mosha, Ministry of Health, Tanzania
Sunita Upadhyaya, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, India