Round Table #1

HIV Laboratory Services for 90/90/90: Lessons from the Population-based HIV Impact Assessments

No invitations necessary; open to all conference registrants

Tuesday, 6 December 2016
CTICC room location: 1.4

The population-based HIV impact assessment (PHIA) surveys are planned or underway in approximately fourteen countries affected by the HIV epidemic. Each survey will assess the current status of the epidemic through nationally representative, household surveys and will describe the reach of HIV prevention, care and treatment programs. With point-of-care HIV and CD4 cell count testing, as well as centralized HIV incidence, viral load, early infant diagnosis, HIV drug resistance and ART detection testing, the biomarker-driven outcomes include national HIV incidence among adults and HIV prevalence among children, and subnational prevalence of HIV and viral load suppression among adults. These results will allow each country to measure progress toward the 90-90-90 goals and thus will help guide programs, policies and the use of resources. The PHIA surveys offer health care strengthening strategies that can help countries to achieve 90-90-90 goals as each PHIA survey depends on high participation rates and accurate HIV testing (the first 90), the integration of lab and ART supply chain information (the second 90); and access to molecular biologic testing capacity, with strong sample transportation systems and return of viral load results to participants’ health care facility of choice (the third 90). This Roundtable session will focus on lessons learned from the PHIA surveys that apply to laboratory systems.


  • Jessica Justman, Senior Technical Director, ICAP, United States
  • Mah-Sere Keita, ASLM, Mali


PHIA Project: An Overview
Jessica Justman, ICAP, United States

The First 90: HIV diagnostics, QA and confirmatory testing in ZAMPHIA
Clement Ndongmo, Center for Disease Control Zambia

The Second 90: Using lab data to inform ART supply chains
Catherine Mundy, Management Sciences for Health, United States

The Third 90: Uganda’s approach to sample transportation and return of viral load results
Steven Aisu, Central Public Health Laboratories (CPHL), Ministry Of Health, Uganda